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dc.contributor.authorHogge, Tayloren_US
dc.descriptionFrom left to right, the columns list the clump designations, which also indicate the intensity-weighted Galactic coordinates, the angular sizes, the clump-averaged ammonia rotational temperature, beam-averaged ammonia column density, velocity dispersion, local standard of rest velocity, and ammonia abundance values, the distances and distance probabilities, the masses, the bolometric luminosities, and the evolutionary states. The even table rows list the errors on the derived clump properties where appropriate. The NaN values in the data set indicate that a particular clump has no value for that property. The filler value for the data set is 999 and indicates that a particular value does not have an associated error.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane Survey (RAMPS) has detected 2,680 molecular clumps and characterized their properties. This data set provides the clump-averaged gas properties for this sample.en_US
dc.subjectMolecular clumpsen_US
dc.subjectInterstellar mediumen_US
dc.subjectHigh-mass star formationen_US
dc.titleRAMPS molecular clump catalogen_US

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