School of Visual Arts
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Established in 1954 to combine the intensive studio education of an art school with the opportunities of a large urban university, Boston University School of Visual Arts is committed to educating the eye, hand, and mind of the artist.
We believe that students become visual artists when education, practice, and awareness of historical and contemporary context enable them to think critically and imaginatively, and to express those ideas with skill and conviction. The professional artists and educators that make up our faculty lead small classes of highly motivated students.
The Foundation program is the bedrock of our undergraduate program, and emphasizes a mastery of traditional skills and visual problem-solving. All BFA freshmen begin with drawing courses and continue foundation studies in painting and sculpture before they choose a studio major. MFA programs in Art Education, Graphic Design, Painting, and Sculpture focus and elaborate professional studies. Studio electives expand and enrich all graduate and undergraduate Visual Arts major programs.
Courses in studio art, art history, and the liberal arts and sciences taught by the nationally and internationally recognized faculties of the University’s 17 schools and colleges provide the intellectual framework for our curriculum. University-sponsored international study programs broaden the Boston campus experience and encourage global awareness.
Boston provides a rich cultural resource for our School. The city’s renowned museums and musical organizations, art galleries, theaters, libraries, and other universities, colleges, and schools offer exhibitions, concerts, theatrical performances, and lectures of the highest quality.
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A plural pedagogy for graphic design history
(2022-10-20)As part of the 2022 AIGA National Conference in Seattle, Washington, the DEC will host the SURFACE mini-conference on Thursday, October 20th, 2022. SURFACE will feature peer-reviewed papers, panels, workshops, posters, ... -
Revisionist history
(2022)A pandemic. Racial reckoning. Civil unrest. Political uprising. For many of us, the year 2020 motivated self-examination across every spectrum of our consciousness — social, cultural, economic and intellectual. Academia ... -
Susan Linn’s distance ventriloquism: play’s therapeutic potential in virtual space
(2020-10-30)During COVID-19, Susan Linn has drawn upon her extensive experience as a therapist and her virtuosic ventriloquism to develop a virtual, screen-based approach to supporting children and families that are sheltering-in-place. ... -
#designhistory: history in the age of the 24hr news cycle
Design history, well, history in general is under interrogation. Technology is dismantling the historic status quo. The popularity of traditional chronological surveys relying on Euro-centric narratives is plummeting, as ... -
Hand in glove: understanding the hand puppet’s life and liveness as a precursor to its application in education and therapy
Hand or glove puppetry is one of the oldest and most common varieties of puppetry, appearing across the globe. While there are variations, the inexpensive, portable, and responsive medium has commonalities derived from its ... -
Knowing your design history is crucial to aesthetic innovation
(AIGA, 2020-06-22)Style cycles in and out of fashion—history helps us decode the present and forecast the future -
Reimagining an antiracist graphic design history: a model for a plural pedagogy
This article calls for a reexamination of graphic design history and pedagogy as a form of antiracist action in response to the events of 2020. The horrific deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd gripped America, drawing ... -
Revisionist history
(2021-01)While the year 2020 motivated self-examination across every spectrum of our consciousness — social, cultural, economic and intellectual, academia provided space for impact. In this context, my Graphic Design History class ... -
Stories of community practice, artistic ambivalence, and emergent pedagogies
(, 2020-11-30)The reflections and questions discussed in the paper emerged from a teaching artist experience in community-art that led to the examination of the contrasting values between the disciplinary paradigms of social practices, ...